In the past few months, I have fallen in LOVE with nail polish and nail art. I love reading nail blogs and now I want to show anyone who will look what I do with nail polish. Some quick facts about me:
My nail polish love started with cheap drug-store brands because I am a college student as well as one of the cheapest people alive. I'm slowly getting into more expensive polishes, but I still usually buy those on sale or with a coupon.
I'm not super great with freehand nail art, but I am trying to improve my skills.
I love nail stamping! I'm slowly growing my collection of plates and look forward to sharing what I do with them :)
I have really small nails. I used to never paint them because I thought it would make people notice how small they were. Then I took more notice of what amazing nail polish was available and I decided I didn't care if people noticed my nails. Also, I was less likely to bite my nails if they were painted, so that was another plus!
And I'm really excited to do this blog!